Ø100 stainless steel venturi

Ref. REDS MRO:PC220-00007

Previous.ref : PC220-00007

Les venturis de Titan Aviation sont conçus pour contrôler la pression des fluides dans les systèmes d'avitaillement. Le but : compenser la perte de pression entre la position du venturi et le(s) coupleurs sous l'aile et d'envoyer l'information appropriée à la vanne de commande.

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Titan Aviation venturis are designed to control fluid pressure in aviation fuelling systems. The purpose is to compensate the pressure loss between the venturi position and the underwing nozzle(s) and send the proper information to the control valve. The venturi is remotely sensing the pressure at the airplane wing and therefore enabling the control valve to operate accurately. This provides the fuelling equipment with safer and higher fuelling rates.