Large display 6 digits ISOIL LFD-6


Ref. REDS MRO:PC411-00007

Previous.ref : PC411-00007

Ref.maker : LFD-6

L'unité d'affichage à distance LFD-6 a été conçue principalement pour l'utilisation sur les distributeurs de bouches d'incendie et dans l'avitaillement dans les aéroports.

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The LFD-6 remote display unit has been designed mainly for use on hydrant dispensers and aviation refuellers in airports. This application requires that the measured volume be reproduced and can be easily read within the working area. How / When to use it ? the LFD-6 can be used in any application where the operator is working at a distance from the meter counter and an easily readable display is required. Such applications include not only the top loading of tank trucks and rail cars but also barges and ships loading. Display brightness is granted by automatic, self-adjusting LED lighting thus ensuring very high readability in all lighting conditions. Specificities : Housing : Anodised alumium allay Display : 6 red colour LED digits and decimal point Cable entrances : N°2 1/2"" NPT Weight : 5 kg




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