Ref. REDS MRO:PC171-00002
Previous.ref : PC171-00002
Ref.maker : EX DELA.5300.03 / DEL.706.102
This material is intended to gauge tanks by full For each tank a table gives the correspondence between the measured height and the volume of liquid. Stainless steel rule 17/7 - X10CrNi18-8. Divisions in mm, vertical size, ineffaceable engraving. EN AW 6063 T66 Aluminum ruler support.
This dripstick is intended to gauge tanks by full For each tank a table gives the correspondence between the measured height and the volume of liquid. Stainless steel rule 17/7 - X10CrNi18-8. Divisions in mm, vertical size, ineffaceable engraving. EN AW 6063 T66 Aluminum ruler support.